Theme Updates

Keeping your theme up to date is very important. To setup theme updates, theme needs your Envato username and API key to be able to check for theme updates. To generate an API key, go to your ThemeForest account and select Settings from the account dropdown, then navigate to the API Keys tab. Go to theme options (Adama > Theme Update) and fill out your username and acquired API key, then click Save Changes.

Once the new update is available, you will be notified via Dashboard > Updates screen alongside other installed themes and plugins and you will be able to update Adama with just a single click.

Alternative Methods

If you do not wish to use automatic updater, you can manually download the latest package from ThemeForest and extract it (like you did during theme installation), find file and use it with one of the alternative methods:

  • FTP upload – This method is the slowest method. Extract file to your desktop, then use your FTP client to upload extracted “adama” folder to the /wp-content/themes/ folder on your server. If you do not have any FTP software installed, we recommend you use free FTP client FileZilla.Because theme is already installed, FTP client will warn you that files with same names already exist, you will need to
    select option to replace all files.
  • Re-install theme – Deactivate and delete currently installed Adama theme, then install and activate new version via WordPress.